This is about my experiences - educational, social, and professional - as a student at PennGSE...

Spelman Alum Sponsored College Tour

Spelman Alum Sponsored College Tour
All the Beautiful Young Women!

Friday, May 11, 2007

The End!

Yes. This school year is over. This year went by so fast, its crazy! I have had so many good expereinces and opportunities. I am really glad I chose to go to graduate school and not go straight into the teaching profession. Although I was prepared after undergrad, the academic, social, and professional experiences have helped me develop and mature. Grad school has provided me with more choices and options, which would have not been available had I entered the work force. It sounds like I'm finish with my degree...I"m not, this is just a realization. Well...all of you out there in bloggerland, I hope you enjoyed reading the journals and I hope they provided you with some helpful information. This is my last blog, it will be removed in September and new bloggers will post.

Good Luck in all your endeavours,

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